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2023-07-05 09:15:07来源:搜狐








IndiaMART.com is India's largest online B2B marketplace for Small & medium Size Businesses, connecting global buyers with suppliers. The company offers a platform & tools to over 1 million suppliers to generate business leads from over 5 million buyers, who use the platform to find reliable & competitive suppliers. The company has over 4500 employees located across 90 offices in the country. Its existing investors include Intel Capital and Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd.

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Hellotrade International is a global business information integrator. We intend to provide quality, authentic, business information pertaining to companies, products, buy requirements, events, venues, and publications pertaining to various industries and covering all geographies. Our objective is to dissolve physical boundaries and make process of business simple, easily accessible and free to every individual across the globe.

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5.http://www.tradingbiz.com/上面注册的公司较少,spotlight搜索到3家中国公司的产品,印度公司较多,TradingBiz is a platform which fulfills the present requisite of a common B2B portal which unites various scattered potential manufacturers, buyers, suppliers, wholesalers, service providers, exporters etc. at one place. Here at this comprehensive portal, one can promote their business in international market. Being a complete solution for all business enquiries, this portal also promote and expose the business in the global market.

6.http://www.manufacturer.com/有专门一栏为lights & lighting,注册的中国公司较多

7.http://lighting.com/一个专门为大型lighting company/shop推广的网站,搜索位置靠前,

BONUS LIGHTING is an experienced lighting manufacturer in China, specializing in modern pendant lamp, ceiling spot light, chandelier, ceiling lamp, wall lamp, etc. After eight year’s development, it covers a factory of five thousand square meters, more than two hundred staffs and 4 production lines. All of our products are CE, RoHS, TUV, EMC and SAA approved. At present, our main customers are from Germany, Australia, New Zealand, Italy,Spain, UK, Russia and so on.

To know more about us, please contact us by email at [email protected] or visit our web: www.bonuslighting.com


9.http://www.intpages.com/lights-lighting/网站提交到英文的贸易目录中如Intpages Trade Directory,好处很多,例如提高网站访问量、提高在搜索引擎搜索结果中的权重等。

10.http://en.cnledw.com/index.htm LED China, LED company, LED的产家较多,可发布产品信息


12.http://www.globalimporter.net/跨国采购网,可以注册成会员,但要付费看询盘,有论坛, 博客, 产品可放在网上展览, http://en.globalimporter.net/可发布20个产品信息发布产品的时候,可以输入多个关键词,增加自己产品被浏览到的几率.

Needsee(www.needsee.com) is an integrated service provider of overseas marketing for the global import and export enterprises to provide a full range of overseas marketing outreach programs. Needsee consists of international trade website, google marketing center, global resource training center, Alibaba training center, and exhibition and electronic journal promotion center five branches. All these five branches provide network products and training services for 80 millions enterprises and 2 millions buyers all over the world.
Needsee, not only provide products, but also the provide the full-service about the marketing concepts and operating training of needsee, google, global sources and alibaba. Make your network marketing worriless for the whole process.
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http://www.atozpages.com.au/Your Australian Business Directory!



16.http://www.ec21.com/Global B2B Marketplace可网上注册,建立企业网站,有专门的栏目关于灯饰照明的,而且分类分得很详细



19.http://www.ecrobot.comECROBOT.COM is Trade Search Engine. Trade directory service, Free posting service, Trade informations.可免费发布销售和求购信息

20.www.ask.comis the #1 question answering service that delivers the best answers from the web and real people - all in one place.

21.www.importers.com/World business online, international import export directory, Importers.com trade leads, B2B marketplace, Free to register, free to contact, trade resources,


23.http://www.ttnet.net/ B to B网站

24.http://www.ecplaza.net/有专门一栏是关于lights and lighting 的


26.http://www.trademart.in/印度的B2B marketplace


28.http://www.toboc.com/TOBOC is the leading online resource for small and medium sized companies. Global B2B Marketplace A Canadian Initiative for Global Trade, 总部设在加拿大,下设中国,印度,美国,埃及,巴西,法国、菲律宾办事处

29.http://www.europages.co.uk/ the european B2B search enginehttp://www.europages.com/




33.http://www.tradett.com/有专门一栏设有lights and lighting中国的

34.http://www.vietnamesemade.com越南的B2B网站,有专门的一栏:lights & lighting


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Worldbid.com is the largest network of international trade marketplaces in the world, providing trade leads, request for proposals and tender opportunities from companies and government organizations worldwide. Sell your goods to a member base of over 560,000 registered businesses, or find new sources or suppliers. More than 100 Marketplaces belong to the growing Worldbid Network.

36.http://www.diytrade.com/china/4/main.html?setLID=4下设一栏Consumer Electronics & Lighting也放了不少LED产品在上面

37.http://www.ecvv.com下设lights and lighting,主要突出LED

38.http://www.ectrade.com/China Manufacturers and Suppliers易创电子商务网




42.http://www.buyerzone.com/Where Smart Buyers & Sellers Connect


Free BBE (Business Banner Exchange) - get 1500 banner exposures free

44.http://europe.bloombiz.com/Europe Business Directory Home Page


46.www.hktdc.com香港贸发局,可申请做免费会员Connect to suppliers & exporters from China and Hong Kong.


48.http://br.tradeholding.com/ Brazil import and export directory

http://b2b.tradeholding.com/B2B TradeHolding.com is an innovative B2B marketplace designed to help you find new business partners from all over the world.

49.http://smallbusiness.yahoo.com/可在上面开店,但要accept online payment

50.http://www.allactiontrade.com/B2B marketplace offers trade opportunities for international buyers, sellers and manufacturers设有lighting and fixtures一栏


52.http://bloombiz.tradeholding.com/default.cgi/Australia Business Marketplace

53.http://www.postrade.com/postrade.com is a Business directory include company trade yellow pages,can submit link and article.



57 http://www.Ecuadorexports.com/厄瓜多尔进口网,Ecuador Exports.com aims to be the world's top resource for Ecuador business, economy, trade, and product and services information.

56.http://www.saudicommerce.com/沙特SaudiCommerce.com marketplace of export and import, offers company directory, Required Materials, companies information, ... SaudiCommerce.com ::: Saudi online international b2b trade exchange Marketplace for import export


59.http://www.b2bfreezone.com/免费注册, B2B B2BFreezone serves as a B2B Directory or Trade Directory that provides information about global traders for instance China wholesale traders, buyers, sellers, importers, exporters, etc. in order to facilitate the process of finding new trade partners. However, considering it only a B2B Directory or Trade Directory to find trade partners will make its scope limited because it also serves as a B2B Marketplace where traders can search for products as well.

60.http://b2b.exportfocus.com/B2B Trade Leads system that allows to post for free buy, sell, and cooperation offers


62. http://www.rusbiz.com/Rusbiz.com is an online Business to Business Portal with facilities like Marketplace, Aggregated Electronic Catalog and Sales and Procurement Management, where buyers and sellers come together to communicate, collaborate and conduct business.



65. http://www.hc360.com/慧聪网http://www.lamp.hc360.com/

66. http://www.518lighting.com/环球照明网

67. http://www.gzlight.com/古镇灯饰网


69. http://en.liang360.com/英文版本,LED的多,en.liang360.com is a communication bridge for the led enterprise all over the world .

70. 美国商人搜索:www.festivalnet.com做节日礼品多

71.http://www.firstbtob.com/ Chinese Wholesale, Chinese Manufacturers, B2B Directory, China Export,有专门的Lights--Lighting.

72. http://www.sawdagger.com/productcat/lightsillumination.php/设有lights&illumination专栏


74.http://www.yellowbook.com.au/Find an Aussie Business with Australia's Business Directory

75. http://www.seek.com.au/澳大利亚找工作的网站

76. http://www.auau.com.au/ business search in Australia

77.http://www.lighting.com.au/Australian Lighting Directory

78. http://www.onlinelighting.com.au/




82. http://www.muslimtrade.net/b2b/We just renewed our entire database and the portal to build the ultimate business-to-business (B2B) marketplace to establish and contribute trades between Muslim Countries and companies around the world who are interested in trading with companies from Muslim Countries...

83. http://www.gtrade.or.kr/buyer/products/Lamps-Lighting.do?categoryId=C0505韩国的B2B网站,有不少台湾和韩国的厂家在上面卖广告。专栏:Lamps and Lighting (427)

84. http://www.arabtradezone.com/Home.html阿拉伯生意的B2B网站

85. http://www.tradecentreholland.com/荷兰的B2B网站,上面有摆放LED日光灯的销售信息

86. http://www.trades-leads.com/lights-lighting/Access the latest B2B trade leads from buyers, sellers, manufacturers, importers, exporters, and suppliers from all over the world. Trades-Leads.com offers easy and convenient tools to search as well as post your own trade leads.

87. http://www.tradekorea.com/韩国的贸易网站,有专栏:Lights & Lighting

88. http://www.eib2b.com/内有Lighting Fixtures,

89. http://www.onestop-trade.com/可注册成用户,具有网上付款功能

90. http://www.iq197.com/ No. 1 Global B2B wholesale

91.http://bysources.net/en/index/main.php marketing taiwan suppliers

93.http://www.skyline.com展览会Trade Show Displays, Exhibits, and Booths

94. http://www.advertiseineurope.com/
AdvertiseInEurope.com is a strategically positioned European business to business trade portal (B2B marketplace directory) and B2B marketing hub where companies come to correspond, work in partnership and settle business deals; merchants can exchange goods and services designated for the European Community.

95.http://www.business.comleading online B2B directory





100. http://www.lighting1.com/荷兰的B2B portal for the international lighting industryLighting Exporters, Lighting Website, Lighting Stuff, Lighting Firms

101. http://www.wholesaleforum.com/discuss/ where resellers gather to discuss and profit

102. http://www.export-import-companies.com/ Importers Directory查进口商用

103. http://www.ebitobi.com/有专门一栏设有lights and lighting A Largest B2B TradePortal
