11月3日上市可转债「为何公司终止可转债的发行」 可转债卖出后资金什么时候能取现「转债卖出多久可以提现」 上海证券打新债「质押债券」 基金名称后面的abc是什么意思「基金中的abc是什么意思」 纯债基金为何暴跌「纯债基金为什么会跌」 证券之星官网手机版「证券之星」 债权投资计入哪个科目「购入债权投资的会计分录」 熊猫债券发行主体「绿色债券发行市场」 债券通“南向通”「债券通南向通流程」 债券通推出时间「债券通北向通」 军工债券基金「进攻型基金」 绿色债券 红 起来「债券红黄绿」 为什么大盘涨,债基跌「放量跌停第二天会怎样」 海航债券事件「海航重整二债会」 隔夜融资利率「利率下跌债券价格上涨」 关于银行间债券市场「银行与政府合作地方债」 可转债的常用术语 你知道几个吗「关于可转债」 腾讯tob业务是什么「QQ上线新功能」 三部门联合推进中国债券市场统一对外开放政策「对外开放是」 理财 基金 债券「债券三个市场」 套路贷怎么办「最短路问题」 金融债券「债券基础知识」 债券收益率和价格「聊聊债券的收益与价格」 滞胀对债券的影响「债券市场崩盘」 股市不好买债券基金「债券基金长期持有一定会赚钱吗」 近忧 远虑 叠加 利息对债券有何影响 「债券的息票率越高,利率风险越高」 华安债券基金a040040「华安纯债债券A」 基金收益率7%「长期持有债券基金收益如何」 最牛可转债基金经理「可转债基金好吗」 如果美债危机爆发 会影响债基表现吗 「美债涨跌有什么影响」 普通人应该如何应对通货膨胀「通货膨胀我们该怎么办」 2020年买债券基金「投资债券基金的技巧」 债券基础知识全篇 二章「债券业务基础知识」 说下债券基金净值计算方法「债券基金净值」 中级财务会计(一)考试答案「2020年中级会计考试财务管理真题」 购买债券的渠道「怎样购买债券」 债券的发行方式主要有哪几种「债券的三大发行条件」 美国为什么借那么多外债「我国外债规模都是排名世界第一」 药明康德股票02269「港股药明康德现价」 中银增利基金稳定吗「中银收益混合」 2021年8月10日储蓄式国债「交通银行国债购买时间」 持仓收益率 业绩比较基准「史上最强的12位债券基金经理」 建行 债券「建设债券」 债券基金有哪几种类型「债券基金和债券的区别」 一场没有兑现的 完美风暴是什么「完美风暴是什么意思」 债券基金通过分散投资可以有效避免「债券基金是选分红还是再投资」 买基金需要止盈吗「基金为什么要止盈」 商业银行发行次级债「商业银行二级资本债」 什么叫债券?「债券是啥」 个人所得税合理避税九大途径 「合理规避个人所得税的技巧有哪些」
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2020年 贵阳市100个境外招商项目发布信息「贵阳招商」

2023-06-14 09:15:21来源:搜狐








Cross border e-commerce return and Exchange Center Project


We will provide e-commerce enterprises with supply chain financial services, provide low-cost financing channels, and solve the capital difficulties in commodity circulation of cross-border e-commerce enterprises. The government reduces the cost of operating the supply chain finance platform by granting preferential policies.


Cross border e-commerce base project for netcasting celebrities


It is planned to introduce enterprises to build a cross-border e-commerce base for netcasting celebrities and train a number of local online celebrities in Guiyang. The new online promotion mode for cross border e-commerce commodities can be made in the cross-border supervision warehouse, the tax-bonded G7 square and other offline stores in Guiyang Comprehensive Tax-bonded Zone.


9610 cross border direct mail project


The project is planned to be located in the three center project site of Shuanglong Airport Economic Zone, which can provide a warehouse of more than 3000 square meters and attract cross-border e-commerce enterprises carrying out 9610 business to settle. The project plot does not involve forest land. There are Jianshe Avenue, Logistics Outer Ring and Erbao Road nearby, with rain pollution, electricity, comprehensive communication, gas and water supply pipelines.


Western Import and Export Commodities Exhibition and Trade Center Project

西部进出口展示交易中心项目是为上下游买家、卖家供应商提供多场景交易模式的流量平台;是为消费者美好生活提供优质产品与服务的平台公司。项目位于观山湖区西南商贸城五号馆,建筑总面积约20.61万平方米,加上金色博览中心总面积1.04万多平方米,共21.65万平方米的物业。以“永不落幕的进口博览会 黔货出山展示交易平台”为核心,着力打造西南地区最大的跨境全产业链一站式服务O2O平台,集合跨境新零售,线上 线下B2B、B2C、F2C,一站式的电商服务中心,电商孵化中心,双创中心,跨境电子商务大数据中心,将成为贵阳市对外开放的标志性项目。

The project of Western import and export exhibition trading center is a traffic platform providing multi scenario trading mode for upstream and downstream buyers and sellers, and a platform company providing high-quality products and services for consumers' better life. The project is located in No.5 hall, Southwest Trade City, Guanshanhu District, with a total building area of about 206100 square meters. In addition, the golden Expo Center has a total area of more than 10400 square meters, with a total area of 216500 square meters. With the core of "never ending Import Expo Guizhou goods exhibition and trading platform", striving to build the largest cross-border whole industry chain one-stop service O2O platform in Southwest China, integrating cross-border new retail, online offline B2B, B2C, F2C, one-stop e-commerce service center, e-commerce incubation center, entrepreneurship and innovation center, cross-border e-commerce big data center, which become the landmark projects of Guiyang's opening to the outside world.


Gui'an Comprehensive Tax-bonded Zone Bonded logistics project


Location: within the fence of Gui'an Free Trade Zone. Existing conditions: it adheres to the high starting point planning in accordance with the goal of building an "ecological" and "upgraded" Free Trade Zone. Within the fence, it is planned to be five functional areas, including bonded processing, bonded storage, bonded logistics, bonded research and development, and port functional area. Now, 22 bonded logistics warehouses, 19500 square meters of supporting infrastructure and 2838 parking spaces have been built. It has successfully introduced China Post Logistics, Cheffer network and other related enterprises. Cooperation mode: Sole investment, joint venture and fund.


Dolphin Plaza International Business Center Project


International luxury center leads the new style of Southwest international fashion.. With a construction area of 320000 square meters, the project is designed by benoy architectural design company in the UK, with 8-story theme business, and is positioned as an international luxury center and a new model of Southwest international fashion. Dolphin Plaza, with a global perspective, plans 400 brands, focusing on international famous stores, and perfectly combines quality life, smart business, art appreciation, human experience, etc. to create a new benchmark for Chinese business.


The Light of Guizhou Urban Integrated Services Business District International Hotel Project


The project is located in plot 7-2 next to the current marketing center of Shougang · The Light of Guizhou, with a net land area of 38967 square meters and a building area of 585372 square meters, including landmark U-shaped tower five-star hotel, 5A class A office building, shopping center, apartment and other formats, Seeking the cooperation of investors, domestic and foreign famous five-star brand hotel investment operators.


Guanshanhu District Top Luxury Shop Project


Jianghua • International Tourism Center Project plans a 120,000 square meters international luxury shopping center, which is currently under construction and is scheduled to open on September 2021. It plans to introduce international top luxury brands and build a fashion shopping platform for well-known luxury brands such as men's wear, women's wear, luggage, accessories and home textile.





